A personal blog with a guide to the world of tea and how to discover it. This is tea for the pragmatic, without ceremony or pretence. Instead it comes with reviews, links, and suggestions.

About Me

A Bearded Tea Drinker: A Brief History

Someone of no great importance, doing nothing of import while living in the town of Worthing in Sussex.

In the past there was a brief three years at university, where I did a little writing and studied philosophy - achieving an understanding of how little I know about anything. Unfortunately, the rest of the world prefers people to know rather more about something.

So I learned how to play card games with the tarot pack - which it turns out is what it was invented for. Unfortunately, nobody really wants to play games with cards like that.

And so I returned to old pleasures - tea, chocolate, a little cooking, some movies, some anime (hard to grow out of), some music (classical and a little opera), plenty of books, and even a little philosophy (well, why not!).

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